Specifications of craft


TIE Fighter

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Top Speed: 100 MGLT
Acceleration: 20 MGLT/second
Maneuverability: 96 DPF
Lasers: Dual Lasers
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 0
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 9 RU
Comments: Space superiority fighter. Standard Imperial fighter in common use throughout the Empire. Its agility makes up for any lack of shielding.

TIE Interceptor

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Top Speed: 111 MGLT
Acceleration: 21 MGLT/second
Maneuverability: 104 DPF
Lasers: Quad Lasers
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 0
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 16 RU
Comments: Interceptor. Faster, more maneuverable and with greater firepower than the standard TIE fighter. One of the Empire's best dogfighters.

TIE Bomber

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Top Speed: 80 MGLT
Acceleration: 13 MGLT/second
Maneuverability: 86 DPF
Lasers: Dual Lasers
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 8
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 28 RU
Comments: Heavy attack fighter. Good multi-role craft. Standard Imperial fighter for attacks on enemy capital ships and bases.

TIE Advanced

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Top Speed: 133 MGLT
Acceleration: 16 MGLT/second
Maneuverability: 104 PDF
Lasers: Quad Lasers
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 8
Shield Rating: 40 SBD
Hull Rating: 14 RU
Comments: Space superiority fighter. Excellent multi-role craft derived from Lord Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 Prototype. It is extremely deadly.

Alpha Class Xg-1 Assault Gunboat

Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks
Top Speed: 90 MGLT
Acceleration: 20 MGLT/second
Maneuverability: 78 DPF
Lasers: Dual Lasers and Dual Ion Cannons
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 16
Shield Rating: 100 SBD
Hull Rating: 28 RU
Comments: Space superiority fighter. Excellent multi-role craft. This was the first general deployment Imperial fighter designed with shields and hyperdrive.


Lambda Class T-4a Shuttle

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Length: 20.0 meters
Crew: 4, passengers: 20
Shield Rating: 100 SBD
Hull Rating: 23 RU
Comments: Standard lightly armed shuttle in common use throughout the galaxy. Favourite of government officials, it is rumoured the Emperor has one with a cloaking device.

Delta Class Dx-9 Stormtrooper Transport

Manufacturer: Telgom Corp.
Length: 36.0 meters
Crew: 3, passengers: 20
Shield Rating: 80 SBD
Hull Rating: 38 RU
Comments: Designed to carry Stormtroopers ino battle and assist in boarding operations.

Gamma Class ATR-6 Assault Transport

Manufacturer: Telgom Corp.
Length: 66.0 meters
Crew: 2, gunners: 3, passengers: 40
Shield Rating: 200 SBD
Hull Rating: 95 RU
Comments: A much more capable vessel than the Stormtrooper transport. Used for attacking heavily defended targets and forced boarding operations.


XQ1 Platform

Manufacturer: Bengel Shipbuilders
Size: 500.0 meters
Crew: 1,123
Shield Rating: 3200 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Comments: Favourite advanced outpost of the Imperial Navy. Can be constructed within a matter of weeks.

XQ2 Platform

Manufacturer: Bengel Shipbuilders
Size: 500.0 meters
Crew: 1,598
Shield Rating: 3200 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Comments: Typical spacedock, found within most of the inner sphere of the Empire.


Nebulon-B Class Frigate

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 378.0 meters
Crew: 920, troops: 75
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Deployments: Two starfighter squadrons
Comments: Medium starship. Designed to give convoys escort protection against starfighter attacks. It has its own complement of up to two squadrons.

Imperial Class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 1600.0 meters
Crew: 37,085, gunners: 275, troops: 9,700
Shield Rating: 4800 SBD
Hull Rating: 2272 RU
Deployments: Three TIE standard squadrons, two TIE Interceptor squadrons, one TIE Bomber squadron, twelve landing barges, twenty All Terrain Armoured Transports, thirty All Terrain Scout Transports, 8 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, fifteen Delta Class Dx-9 Stormtrooper Transports, five Alpha Class Xg-1 Assault Gunboats
Comments: Heavy starship. Intended to replace the Victory class, its almost twice as big with more than double the combat power. It carries six squadrons of TIE fighters.

Victory Class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 900.0 meters
Crew: 4,798, gunners: 402, troops: 2,040
Shield Rating: 3200 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Deployments: Two TIE standard squadrons
Comments: Heavy starship. Originally designed during the Clone Wars, these heavily armed capital ships each carry two TIE fighter squadrons.

Interdictor Im-418

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Length: 1200.0 meters
Crew: 2,807, gunners: 24, troops: 1,000
Shield Rating: 2880 SBD
Hull Rating: 1056 RU
Deployments: One TIE standard squadron
Comments: Medium starship. Their six huge gravity well projectors can prevent craft from using their hyperdrive or force them to drop out of hyperspace.

Strike Cruiser

Manufacturer: Loronar Corp.
Length: 900.0 meters
Crew: 1,972, gunners: 140, troops: 340
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Deployments: One TIE standard squadron
Comments: Light starship with unique modular design. Can carry a single starfighter squadron. Specialized versions exist for troop transport, planetary assault, etc.


Manufacturer: Rendili Star Drive Systems
Length: 1,200.0 meters Crew: 16,113, gunners: 97, troops: 3,000
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1216 RU
Deployments: One TIE standard squadron
Comments: Medium starship capable of carrying a full squadron of fighters. This aging design is still in use in remote sectors.

Escort Carrier

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 1,000.0 meters
Crew: 3,845, gunners: 20, troops: 800
Shield Rating: 2880 SBD
Hull Rating: 1360 RU
Deployments: Two TIE standard squadrons, two TIE Interceptor squadrons, one TIE Bomber squadron
Comments: Medium starship especially designed to transport large numbers of starfighters. Carries an entire wing of up to sixty starfighters, but is itself lightly armed.

Super Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 7,000.0 meters Crew: 280,734, gunners: 751, troops: 38,800
Shield Rating: 5000 SBD
Hull Rating: 2561 RU
Deployments: Numerous TIE standard Interceptor and Bomber squadrons, Four TIE Advanced squadrons, two TIE Defender squadrons, one XG-2 Missile Boat Squadron, two Assault Gunboat squadrons, sixty Landing/Transportation craft, sixteen Lamda Class T-4a Shuttles, twelve Escort Shuttles, twenty-four Gamma Class Assault Shuttles, twenty-four Landing Barges, twenty-five All Terrain Armoured Transports, fifty All Terrain Scout Tranports, three pre-fabricated bases, twenty-four Stormtrooper platoons
Comments: Command Ship designed for certain high-ranking officer's use. Many turrets and warhead launchers plus ground assault capability leads to primary use as a space-to-ground attack platform. Virtually invincible with superior armour and shielding to all space craft with the exceptions of the Death Star and the Sun Crusher. Some plated with stealth armour to make them literally invisible.

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